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How to Stretch a shoulder?

How to Stretch a shoulder?

If you are suffering from stiff or tight shoulders, the best shoulder stretches will relieve your shoulder tightness and prevent it in the future. Actually, the shoulders are one of the most complicated joints in the body, with a lot of different muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Any stiffness or tightness in the shoulder joint can limit your range of motion, and if not treated properly, it can lead to severe shoulder pain, neck pain, and tension headaches.

Within a few simple stretches, you can easily improve your overall well-being. Ready to explore them? Here you go!

7 Best Shoulder Stretches 

Whether you are looking to relieve shoulder tension after a long, hectic day or athletic activities, try the following shoulder stretching exercises and keep your shoulders flexible.

1. Shoulder Raises

This is the best stretch to increase the mobility in your shoulder area and cure frozen shoulders. It involves the following basic steps:

  1. Whether sitting or standing, keep your arms straight by the side and back.
  2. Start lifting your shoulders towards your ears in slow motion and inhale.
  3. Stop for a moment in this position and then exhale while bringing your shoulders back down.
  4. Repeat this stretch for 5 times daily to get effective results.

2. Shoulder Rolls

To promote blood circulation in your shoulders and loosen tight muscles, try shoulder rolls. Follow these steps:

  1. Keeping your back straight in a sitting or standing position, roll your shoulders in a circular motion, i.e., up, back, and down.
  2. Now reverse the sequence and roll them in up, forward, and down directions.
  3. Repeat each sequence 10 times and see the difference.

3. Pendulum Stretches

In this stretch, you use the force of gravity to enhance the movement in your shoulders. Try it with the following steps:

  1. Stand straight and keep your feet wide open.
  2. Bend forward and keep looking at the ground.
  3. Place your right hand on any firm support, like a chair or table.
  4. Let your left arm hang freely in the downward position.
  5. Now, swing your left arm in small circular motions. You will see that gravity is doing most of the work.
  6. Keep on increasing the size of the circles.
  7. Continue this motion for 30 to 60 seconds.
  8. After that, switch the arms.
  9. Repeat the same procedure.

4. Cross-Body Arm Swings

In addition to providing relief to the shoulders, this stretch also warms up the back muscles. To perform it, follow these steps:

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Inhale and take your arms to the outward sides, straightening your shoulder blades.
  3. Exhale and bring them inwards.
  4. Now keep the right arm under the left and ensure both arms are straight.
  5. Again, inhale and swing both arms to the outside.
  6. Repeat the process for 8-10 times by switching sides.

5. Child’s Pose

Child pose is a common yoga pose that helps you stretch the back of your shoulders. It involves the following steps:

  1. Kneel on the ground with your toes touching each other.
  2. Move your knees apart and sit up straight.
  3. Stretch your arms forward on the floor and make your forehead touch the floor.
  4. Hold for a few moments.
  5. Sit back while bringing your back towards the heels.
  6. Take a deep breath and sit for a few seconds.
  7. Repeat this restful stretch and feel the difference in your shoulders and upper back muscles.

6. Side-lying Thoracic Rotation

From the name, you might be considering it a complex stretch, but actually, it is not. It works wonders for your shoulder relief, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine. To perform it,

  1. Lie down on your right side on the ground.
  2. Keeping your knees bent, stretch the right arm straight on the ground.
  3. Place your left arm on the top of the right.
  4. Keep looking at your left arm and rotate it towards the floor at your back. You would feel like drawing an arch in the air.
  5. Keep your legs and hips pointing toward the right arm
  6. Slowly bring the left arm back and place it on the right one.
  7. Repeat this motion several times by switching sides.

7. Standing Arm Lifts

This stretch is best to improve your posture and reduce stiffness in the shoulders. For this stretch:

  1. Stand straight and close your hands, making fists.
  2. Bring your hands in front of the hips.
  3. Start lifting your arms above your head slowly while keeping the fists of both hands close together.
  4. Lower arms back to a downward position.
  5. Repeat this process a few times.


In short, you can overcome all the stiffness with effective shoulder stretches and exercises discussed above. In addition to stretches, you should also maintain good posture while sitting or standing to avoid such issues.

However, if you feel no improvement with these stretches for shoulders, visit our chiropractic center in Toronto. Our skilled team is always ready to help you. They will assess the underlying issues and suggest treatment accordingly.


Should I warm up before stretching?

It is always good to warm up a little before stretching with a brisk walk or light cycling. It improves your blood circulation and makes stretching more effective for you.

Are there any contraindications for shoulder stretching?

Yes, if you have had a recent injury, surgery, or any chronic illness that affects your shoulders, it is always better to consult healthcare professionals before heading towards any stretch.

How often should I perform shoulder stretches?

Though daily stretching can provide maximum benefits, if you have a very busy life routine, try to perform these stretches at least 3-4 times a week.

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