ING Syndrome
You may be suffering from ING syndrome!
ING syndrome: (also known as “repetitive motion disorder”) is discomfort felt in the body that usually originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints and other structures in the spine.
There are several potential causes and sources of ING syndrome, however the diagnosis of specific ING syndrome is found to relate to exorbitant amount of specific activities. These activities include but are not limited to: shoppING, decoratING, cookING, eatING, bakING, plannING, entertainING, stressING, wrappING, sleddING, skatING, skiING, travelING, visitING, singING, laughING, drivING, shovelING, dancING…
Management of this condition:
Common treatments successful in eliminating the symptoms of ING syndrome include; chiropractic adjustment, massage therapy, acupuncture and naturopathic care. And lucky for you…KWC has excellent practitioners that provide such treatment.
Let us help you eliminate needless suffering caused by ING syndrome. Whether it be an adjustment, a deep-tissue massage, an acupuncture treatment, or an updated exam, now is the time to take care of yourself. Don’t wait to make a New Year’s resolution….get your health back on track now.
**This post is in memory of Dr Frank Sovinsky (who first coined the term ING syndrome), the respected and influential chiropractor who was a coach for Drs. Chan and Lyons, both of whom are greatly saddened by his recent passing.