Naturopathic Tip of the Month: Back to School
Does your child suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?
ADHD is the fastest growing childhood disorder in North America and can cause a variety of learning disorders and behavioral problems. Try the following basic Naturopathic suggestions to start this school year off right.
- A good quality multi-vitamin to ensure your child is getting the nutrients he/she needs.
- Send your child off to school with snacks to ensure their blood sugar levels are steady throughout the day (Fresh Fruits, Vegetables with Hummus, Complex Carbohydrates (whole grain sandwiches)
- For dinner try Brown Rice with Fish, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an essential fatty acid vital for brain development.
- Limit added sugars. Remove dairy for a trial period to determine if this is affecting your child’s behaviour.
- Encourage outdoor physical activity to expand your child creativity.
- Consult a Naturopathic Doctor for more information on ADHD and your child’s behaviour.